Thursday, December 10, 2009

Exame do InCI em Fevereiro de 2010

Acabei de saber esta noite que o InCI planeia realizar o próximo exame em Fevereiro próximo – algo ainda não confirmado oficialmente.

Caso esteja a planear fazê-lo e deseje receber formação ou "re-formação" temos várias modalidades disponíveis:

• Curso Base = 60 horas
• Curso de Recapitulação = 30 horas
• Curso Especial = 15 horas
• Curso Online

Para mais informações escreva para:

in reference to: Formação Imobiliária Portugal (view on Google Sidewiki)

InCI Exam in February, 2010

I have just received information tonight that InCI is planning to hold the next exam this coming February – not confirmed as yet officially by InCI itself.

If you are planning to take this exam, and require training or retraining for it, here are the types of training available:

• FBC (Full Bilingual Course) = 60 hours
• RC (Refresher Course) = 30 hours
• SC (Special Course) = 15 hours
• OC (Online Course)

For more information, please reply to this e-mail: I have just received information tonight that InCI is planning to hold the next exam this coming February – not confirmed as yet officially by InCI itself.

If you are planning to take this exam, and require training or retraining for it, here are the types of training available:

• FBC (Full Bilingual Course) = 60 hours
• RC (Refresher Course) = 30 hours
• SC (Special Course) = 15 hours
• OC (Online Course)

For more information, please reply to this e-mail:

in reference to: Bilingual Real Estate Training in Portugal (view on Google Sidewiki)

Será necessário criar actividade de mediação de alugueres ao abrigo de Alojamento Local?

Será necessário que uma empresa de mediação imobiliária pode fazer arrendamento turístico?

Sim. Vejamos o porquê:

Antes de tudo, diz-se "alugar" um bem móvel (carro por exemplo); "arrendar" um bem imóvel...

O regime jurídico das actividades imobiliárias traduz-se na prática por 2 vectores fundamentais:

· O DL 211/2004 e demais legislação adjacente;

· O CAE.

Assim, define-se no primeiro que (Artigo 2.º - DL 211/2004 – Objecto da actividade de mediação imobiliária) “A actividade de mediação imobiliária é aquela em que, por contrato, uma empresa se obriga a diligenciar no sentido de conseguir interessado na realização de negócio que vise a constituição ou aquisição de direitos reais sobre bens imóveis, a permuta, o trespasse ou o arrendamento dos mesmos ou a cessão de posição em contratos cujo objecto seja um bem imóvel.”

O mesmo decreto-lei vai ao encontro do CAE (Código das Actividade Económicas) e afirma que (Artigo 3. º - Empresa de mediação imobiliária) “Considera-se empresa de mediação imobiliária aquela que tenha por actividade principal a definida no artigo 2.º (Mediação Imobiliária); Sem prejuízo do disposto em legislação especial, as empresas de mediação imobiliária podem ainda exercer, como actividade secundária, a administração de imóveis por conta de outrem.”

Por outro, o CAE (Código das Actividade Económicas) estipula que:

68311 Actividades de mediação imobiliária.

68312 Actividades de angariação imobiliária.

68313 Actividades de avaliação imobiliária.

6832 Administração de imóveis por conta de outrem; administração de condomínios.

Os CAE 68311 & 6832 são os obrigatórios para uma empresa de mediação imobiliária.

Pergunta-se: Porque não existe um CAE específico para os arrendamentos (habitação permanente ou turística)?

Responde-se: Porque se olharmos o objecto da mediação imobiliária, o arrendamento está enquadrado nessa mesma actividade…


1 - Não é necessário (e até é uma duplicação desnecessária) haverem 2 empresas distintas para o exercício de mediação na compra e venda de imóveis e para o arrendamento ou alojamento turístico dos mesmos; quanto muito, 2 departamentos na mesma empresa.

2 - As actividades de arrendamento turístico e da habitação periódica ("time sharing") são actividades incluídas e intrínsecas da mediação imobiliária; dependem de alvarás de liecnaça de utilização diferentes, emitidas pelas respectivas câmaras municipais, mas consubstanciam-se na mesma actividade da mediação imobiliária. Mesmo que não seja tradição, o facto é pertencem-lhe por direito (literalmente).

in reference to: Formação Imobiliária Portugal (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The importance of being EURES: free movement of persons in Europe

The purpose of the EURES Job Mobility Portal ( ) is to provide information and e-services for the benefit of jobseekers interested in finding a job abroad, employers interested in finding candidates from other countries as well as any citizen wishing to benefit from the principle of the free movement of persons.

The EURES Job Mobility Portal provides access to job vacancies published by EURES members and partner organisations, in particular the public employment services in the participating countries.

in reference to: Blogger: Gestão Imobiliária | Real Estate Management - Create Post (view on Google Sidewiki)

EURES: mobilidade profissional na Europa

O objectivo do portal de mobilidade profissional EURES ( ) consiste em fornecer informações e serviços electrónicos aos candidatos a emprego interessados em encontrar emprego no estrangeiro, aos empregadores interessados em encontrar candidatos de outros países e a qualquer cidadão que pretenda beneficiar do princípio da livre circulação de pessoas.

O portal de mobilidade profissional EURES faculta o acesso a avisos de vagas publicados por membros do EURES e por organizações parceiras, nomeadamente pelos serviços públicos de emprego dos países participantes.

in reference to: Blogger: Gestão Imobiliária | Real Estate Management - Create Post (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, December 04, 2009

Waiting for InCI's approval of my Angariador process

As you know I managed to send all relevant paperwork off to INCI almost 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure if I should be concerned yet that I haven't heard from them regarding the payment for my license? I just wondered if you knew who I should be chasing as I really could do with it so that I am in a position to invoice before the end of the tax year... I.e This month!

You'll probably know in fact - as I have all documentation and am now registered as an Angariador Imobiliario at the Finanças, even though I haven't got my license yet am I in a position to pass an invoice to receive commissions?


This is a tricky issue to answer.

• First, protocol in any public entity does not operate by standard time.

• All Public entities have 30 days to reply, although in this particular case one could say that InCI would have 20 + 10 days to answer you.

• Thus, it is reasonable that you have been waiting up until now.

• As for invoicing, from a strckly fiscal point-of-view, you have initiated at the Tax Return Office the activity; from the legal regime which binds us to InCI, one must waiting until paying the rate of inscription as an angariador and then invoice.

• On the other hand, InCI represents the State; The State revenue is through taxes (IRS, IVA, etc) and is pleased to tax you.

• Lastly and legally one can write once more to the public entity, after the 30 days without a reply to the first request (whatever this may be), stating that as one has not received a formal reply, the request one has made is to be “tacitly approved”.

Taking all this into consideration, if after 20 working days, since one has sent formally the process to InCI and has not received a reply, one could be led to writing invoices.

I believe it up to you to use caution and seek advise at APEMIP’s office in Vilamoura.

in reference to: Bilingual Real Estate Training in Portugal (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Presenting different useful continuous training solutions for credits and license validity

What are the best and most practical solutions for continous training in real estate and achieving the needed credits for InCI?

The standard mode is to do 30-hours of traditional classroom sessions and thus attain 6 credits. APEMIP and several training companies across Portugal offer very sleepy and get-your-paper solutions. REP can do this, has done it, but our principle differs from these trends.

The most graceful solution is simply to take the exam in its continuous mode, as this is valid for the entirety of the 3-years of the license or enrolment at InCI. And cheap: 25 Euros…

What I do is I have a standard refresher course which takes you through the motions, new changes in the laws etc. It can be done as a whole or in units.

Egs. (from last exam training)

- Lynne took the full refresher course and passed.
- Helena started with a unit (3 sessions and use of online campus, plus the 3 session before the exam itself ) and then decided to add another unit (3 more sessions) to the initial unit of training. She also passed.
- Albertino did 1 unit purely online (He was in Gibraltar) and passed.

So you see we can work round your necessities plus desires and fit them into helping you pass the exam.

in reference to: Bilingual Real Estate Training in Portugal (view on Google Sidewiki)

Aproveitamento no Exame InCI : Quando poderei / deverei comunicar ao INCI que confiro capacidade profissional à empresa?

O InCI, no âmbito do DL 211/2004 e demais legislação que compõe o regime jurídico das actividades imobiliárias, obriga-se a manter um registo de todas as empresas, seus representantes legais e capacitantes, bem como de todos os angariadores imobiliários. Assim, ao ter aproveitamento no exame, é-lhe aberto um registo em seu nome.

No Modelo próprio, aquando do ingresso ou na manutenção, surge um espaço onde deve indicar o n.º do seu certificado. Não tendo recebido do InCI na altura que proceder quer a uma quer a outra notificação ao Instituto, é a obrigação deste fazer a relação da sua pessoa com o certificado de aproveitamento no exame realizado.

Já agora, quando poderei/deverei comunicar ao INCI que confiro capacidade profissional à empresa?

Tratando-se de um ingresso na actividade e obtenção de nova licença quando enviar o processo completo, ora via a APEMIP ora directamente; Tratado-se de revalidação da licença ou de alteração do representante legal que confere a capacidade, deverá seguir com os documentos comprovativos dessa revalidação ou alteração, pelos canais acima referidos.

Daniel Foster da Silva

in reference to: Formação Imobiliária Portugal (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Na busca de uma solução formativa para a obtenção de créditos

A problemática da formação contínua é, na sua essência, muito simples. Um ovo de Colombo.

Pois das 4 modalidades de formação contínua, o InCI chama a si uma delas: O exame nacional da capacidade profissional.

Este exame pode ser tido ora como formação inicial e ser para o ingresso nas actividades de mediação e de angariação imobiliárias, tendo uma validade de apenas 1 ano; ora, como formação contínua e assim é-lhe atribuido 6 créditos, sendo que é válido o seu aproveitamento durante os 2 anos e meio da validade da licença ou da inscrição nas actividades respectivas.

Assim, advogo que a forma mais airosa de se manter nessas actividades será a feitura do exame como formação contínua: Mais económico, barato e eficaz.

Nesse sentido, administramos formação presencial, online e mista que torna este processo formativo mais flexível e contínuo; logo, mais prático.

É claro que não é um bicho de 7 cabeças se chegar ao termo de validade da licença ou inscrição e ser-se obriagdo a realizar o exame para obter nova licença ou inscrição. O problema aqui é outro: Custos. Custos de nova licença ou inscrição no InCI e custos de marketing-mix.

Espero, de qualquer modo, que tenha sido útil a minha contriuição e possa ajudá-la mais e melhor no futuro.

Daniel Foster da Silva

in reference to: Formação Imobiliária Portugal (view on Google Sidewiki)

Spread the Joy of Meditation

David Lynch Foundation is pleased to
announce its new Gift Card Program

We invite you to make your gift giving easy for the holidays—and any occasion.

Honor the special people in your life with a gift made to the David Lynch Foundation in their name.

With your minimum contribution of $120 (package of 10 cards), you can help to bring the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique to young people around the world.

Purchase your gift cards today. Your tax-deductible donation is a wonderful way to help give these deserving young people a life-long gift of increased creativity, better health and less stress, and greater inner happiness.

Helpful information about "Gift Card Program | David Lynch Foundation".

in reference to:

"David Lynch Foundation is pleased toannounce its new Gift Card Program We invite you to make your gift giving easy for the holidays—and any occasion. Honor the special people in your life with a gift made to the David Lynch Foundation in their name. With your minimum contribution of $120 (package of 10 cards), you can help to bring the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique to young people around the world. Purchase your gift cards today. Your tax-deductible donation is a wonderful way to help give these deserving young people a life-long gift of increased creativity, better health and less stress, and greater inner happiness."
- Gift Card Program | David Lynch Foundation (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Bilingual course in preparation for the IncI exam

I have always spoken and written about the bilingual course in preparation for the IncI exam (or what I now call the Full Bilingual Course) because it is the core of this system: To aid non-fluent, non-speakers pass a multiple-choice 20-question exam paper issued and held by InCI.

These courses have be held successfully for the past 5 years and helped hundreds of professional attain their license as a mediator or their inscription as an Angariador at InCI, by training them in reading comprehension of the Portuguese technical jargon used (“Incian”, as I call it); by teaching them (in English) the in-depth knowledge and practical aspects of these practices in Portugal – Through a special Pidgeon “Incian” Portuguese I have developed over the last 22 years.

If we look at the core course (Bilingual Course in preparation fro the exam), one can say that, as a standard:

• I hold sessions which run on a 2-hour basis per 1-session;
• They are usually held after working hours, i.e, usually after 5 pm and we hold sessions once or twice a week, depending on calendar (holidays, events trainees may have abroad, etc), and only the 2 weeks before the exam itself do we hold more sessons, usally not more than 3 per week;
• All training has to fit the trainee or group of trainees profiles and ongoing development, with the sole aim of making sure he/she/they successfully pass the exam.

But such standards depend on the trainees involved, other circumstances which have to be taken into consideration, and are always mutually agreed with group that is undergoing training, bearing in mind the success in the exam as the ultimate goal in this particuar training process – Each course is tailor-made to fit the trainee.

The special Portuguese as a Foreign Language course co-exists alongisde the FBC for those, usually British nationals, that have greater linguistic difficulties; as they do not have the language skills to follow through immediately the main core course.

referente a: Blogger: Dashboard (ver no Google Sidewiki)

Bilingual course in preparation for the IncI exam

I have always spoken and written about the bilingual course in preparation for the IncI exam (or what I now call the Full Bilingual Course) because it is the core of this system: To aid non-fluent, non-speakers pass a multiple-choice 20-question exam paper issued and held by InCI.

These courses have be held successfully for the past 5 years and helped hundreds of professional attain their license as a mediator or their inscription as an Angariador at InCI, by training them in reading comprehension of the Portuguese technical jargon used (“Incian”, as I call it); by teaching them (in English) the in-depth knowledge and practical aspects of these practices in Portugal – Through a special Pidgeon “Incian” Portuguese I have developed over the last 22 years.

If we look at the core course (Bilingual Course in preparation fro the exam), one can say that, as a standard:

• I hold sessions which run on a 2-hour basis per 1-session;
• They are usually held after working hours, i.e, usually after 5 pm and we hold sessions once or twice a week, depending on calendar (holidays, events trainees may have abroad, etc), and only the 2 weeks before the exam itself do we hold more sessons, usally not more than 3 per week;
• All training has to fit the trainee or group of trainees profiles and ongoing development, with the sole aim of making sure he/she/they successfully pass the exam.

But such standards depend on the trainees involved, other circumstances which have to be taken into consideration, and are always mutually agreed with group that is undergoing training, bearing in mind the success in the exam as the ultimate goal in this particuar training process – Each course is tailor-made to fit the trainee.

The special Portuguese as a Foreign Language course co-exists alongisde the FBC for those, usually British nationals, that have greater linguistic difficulties; as they do not have the language skills to follow through immediately the main core course.

Gwaving on & on

I'm all for GWave.

This is a fantastic new way to use emailing in the upfront and proactive manner.



referente a: Google Sidewiki (ver no Google Sidewiki)

Monday, November 09, 2009

InCI has shown interest in my participation in new real estate law

I have recently been asked by InCI Director to participate directly in the new changes that will take place, through new legislation, within the scope of the real estate industry.

This is something I have long wanted to offer you: A chance to speak your mind and be heard.

Please let me know if you want to participate.

I shall be holding a mini-seminar on 18th in which I shall incorporate such a topic.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How the Portuguese Real Estate Market is behaving under the crisis

Hi there.

I shall be writing some posts on this topic, as suggested by Christian R., to give you an insight at what is happening in the different regions of Portugal which might interest you.

If you have any specific questions or issues you would like me to address, I shall take them into consideration.

1. Algarve

2. Greater Lisbon area

3. Silver Coast

4. Porto area

5. Northern and central inner Portugal

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Angariador Empowerment Programme

Dear Angariadores,

Yes, at last I am writing to you. And inviting you to become a part of the network I have been setting up:

The Angariador Empowerment Programme.

As you know, through the training I have been giving most of you in the past, you are the heart and soul of the real estate industry.

And it is time for the market to allow people like you to make things happen. You can do it!


Take angariação to the next level and create proper relationships with the mediation companies you decide to work with.


I have set up a platform to help you achieve more, by becoming more professional than you already are, and enabling you to gain access to a sound clustering system from which you can take advantage of.

What does InCI say about this?

InCI applauds it.

How must does it cost?

It’s a symbolic value: 5 € / month or 50 € / year.

Can I try it out, before I join?

No. Mininum adherence to programme is required and has a fixed 6-month cost, non-refundable.

What do I get out of this programme?

Tools (Your own website is an option, for eg.), e-marketing tools, leads, teamwork, clustering, consultation on InCI matters, and much more.

How does the programme work?

It works through a means you already know: Our platform, which is also known as a campus, especially dedicated to such activities.

Do I get free training or/and credits?

Yes, if you consider what is offered to you.

No, training for exam or credits are not included. But you get discounts though, by being an active member of the programme.

So, what do have to do?

Contact me. Email me a reply.

Well? What are you waiting for?

Best Regards,

Daniel Foster da Silva

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Bilingual Training Method

The bilingual training method used has been developed based on my experience many, many years ago as a TEFL & a TPFL teacher, teaching English and Portuguese as a foreign language; And my + 20 years experience in the fields pertinent to real estate.
InCI uses specific jargons pertinent to professions such as Law, Architecture and Engineering, etc – All used in the real estate practice and industry.

This can be achieved on several different levels, depending very much on a person’s academic and professional background, plus their persona, and of course their ground knowledge of the Portuguese language.

- Being a language of meaning, Portuguese inhales many subtle shifts in what is meant and these are pitfalls for anyone trying to grasp it.
- Bilingual training is not intended to teach you to speak the language, but rather to read "Incian" jargon applied. Hence its uniqueness.

For more information, please check our website at