Sunday, May 22, 2005

Answers to Ingrid's questions

... About Portaria 1326/2004 ...

Question 1
1/4, 2º - 5 : Em caso de sociedades que não tenham a sua sede em Portugal, a capacidade profissional é conferida pelos mandatários ou por técnico das respectivas representações.

In the event that the company does not have its offices in Portugal the professional capacity is checked from those representatives or from the specialist of the ??
What does the sentence really mean. That if the real estate company is not having its main office in Portugal the people that are locally representing the foreign main office need to have/possess the correct papers?

Answer to 1:
A company may have been established outside Portugal – for various reasons – and now wishes to operate in Portugal, through an affiliate office, branch or similar. It must then comply to Portuguese Law, meaning DL 211/2004.

It means that the professional capability has to be proven and established through at least one of LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES of the company IN PORTUGAL.

- “Mandatário” means “o que tem mandato ou procuração para agir em nome de outrem; procurador; representante; delegado.” – Thus, a delegate, a representative or someone who has power of attorney.
o mandatory [Show phonetics]adjective FORMALdescribes something which must be done, or which is demanded by law.
o Check

- “Técnico” is a technician but on certain conditions: He or she must be fully employed by the company and also hold one of the university degrees as defines in the Portaria in article 8º - 1

Question 2

2/4, 7º - 4: Para efeitos de obtenção de licença. How should I translate the word efeitos or these for words as a whole?? Point 4 basically means that after you passed the exams you have one year to draw the license??

Answer to 2:
It means that if you are applying for a license for either activity (M or A), IMOPPI will only consider passing the National Exam if you have done so within the last 12 months counting from the date you are applying.

Hence, in a practical sense, IMOPPI is obliging you to license yourself within one year and the answer is yes.

Vocabulary 2

“Para efeito de obtenção” means “For the purpose of obtaining”.

Question 3

2/4, 9º - 1: Is this paragraph meaning that after you have taken the exam and draw the license you need to continue to educate yourself??

Answer to 3:

Yes and No. It describes the syllabus that CONTINUOUS TRAINING COURSES must have. Hence no mention of the obligation to continue studying is made in that paragraph.

But, you are complied t do so in article 10º, in a very indirect manner. Check it out! …

Vocabulary 3

Also can you can give me a good translation for the word modalidades. The dictionary tells me "kind", but I do not know how to use this in the context.

You has to use common sense in situations like these, where you faced in the Exam with a word you have not come across before. Remember:

- Latin is the root language for Portuguese and also for technical English jargon;
- You have to brake these words down. For eg., “modalidade” could be “moda” or “mode”
Using you get for “mode”:
· mode (WAY)
· mode (MATHS)
· mode (FASHION)
· à la mode (MODERN)
· à la mode (FOOD)

On the other hand, using you get for “modalidade”

s. f.,
propriedade de ter modos; modo de ser; restrição das proposições modais; circunstância; cada uma das actividades desportivas.


- Plus, you must use CONTEXTUAL understanding TO GET TO MEANING
- contextual [Show phonetics]adjective SPECIALIZEDrelated to the context:It's impossible to understand the nuances of an isolated word without some contextual clues.


Vocabulary 3

I struggle with the words vise/visem. I cannot figure out from which verb they are. I am sure that you can tell me!

You should remember verbs in Portuguese end in a vowel and “R”.

Just type in “visem” onto the Priberam website ( )and you will get the appropriate verb. Try it!

v. tr.,
dirigir a vista para; apontar uma arma de fogo contra; autenticar com o visto; rubricar em sinal de ter tomado conhecimento ou em garantia de responsabilidade, ou para autorizar;
v. int.,
ter em mira um fim, ter em vista; tender; propor-se; referir-se.


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